Friday, April 16, 2010

Old School Chili Peppers Interview- see H Train

THE Red Hot Chili Pepper's JOHN FRUSCIANTE interview 1997


The Chili Peppers were the first (and only) band that my mom told me I shouldn't listen too (after that she realized it was in vain).  The reason was the b-side to the "Under the Bridge" single was "Righteous and the Wicked" and the line was "Yes, I think we'll fuck, but I can't rest in war" and I was too young to know he dropped the F bomb.  Also, Chad Smith gave me hope that white people could almost possible be funky.

These video's of John Frusciante are completed fucked up (and so is he).  H train, my god . . . .I saw these at a friend of mines house one night as we were reminiscing about the past and how we got to musical points we are at today.  But this dude is on another level.

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