Monday, January 11, 2010

DIY Pedal EFX Schematics Links

My pedal board suitcase idea made me realize that if I did build it, I would need many more pedals, so here are some links to EFX schematics.

Fuzz Central- looks like they have some simple and sqrt doable fuzz boxes, some are clones too.
DIY Stomboxes- this is like the library of congress for pedal schematics
Paul Marossy's Pedal Builds- He has made many, and has examples, photos, and sounds of many of them
Pat Jankowiak's page- Also has a ton, most of the links listed below are from here

---Schematics I can totally do quickly and probably have the parts for---

Fuzz 001
- looks like the last pedal I built and stole the inputs off of.
Fuzz 002- looks straight ahead
Fuzz Face- Jimi's Fuzz- I have planned this out and may build it soon, and here is a link to the DPDT switch (6 point).
MXR Distortion- has some mods listed two for changing diodes, and what the mods sound like
Marshal SupaFuzz- it looks doable
The Mosrite Fuzz Rite- this is very simple if I can find the diodes.

Electra Distortion- This one is hella easy, hella!!
-Modded electra-

I think this is the 741 op amp based fuzz that I built and pulled the inputs off of- and the full websitez

History of the Fuzz Pedal-

Radio Shack IC list- LN741CN, LM386, LM339, 7812, 7805, LM555, LM556, TLC555/TLC555CP, NLM324, TL082/TL082CP, LM317T

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