Thursday, January 07, 2010

Circuits and Bending and EFX Pedals and such

-Atari Punk Console Kit- $25- a bent atari noise generator
-Thingamagoop 2- $100- this is like a starter kit for DIY circuit guys
-Tic Tac Beat Box- you have to load code onto the chip
-A random music box- also needs code loaded onto chip found while surfing, I mean working.
-I got this bending book for Christmas- "Circuit-Bending: Build Your Own Alien Instruments (ExtremeTech)" by Reed Ghazala- Dudes website
- a personal collection of random bending projects, links page is very indepth
-A very indepth soldering tutorial
-a DIY distortion box (see below, similar to the other one I made, maybe different), see below, from Instructables.

6.3mm stereo female jack
6.3mm mono female jack
DPDT switch
0.1uF capacitor
LM386 op-amp
220uF electrolytic capacitor
47k resistor
100k resistor
red LED
two 1N4148 diodes

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