Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Stave Hoop Research

Me and my pops gave a whirl at making a staved hoop. Minus a some precision and a poorly glued joint, we almost had a success. Now it is back to the drawing board with some notes below:

1- if you have a 10 lug drum you need 10 staves (if it is single ply) so that the hole is directly centered between the two joints.

2- the glue joints are not flat, they have grooves in them (you many not have to if you use the jig shown below and then 2 layers)

Stave Hoop= one layer Segmented hoops= 2 layers

The guys at Fidoc Drums makes rims out of two stem bent pieces and then joints them. The pics below show the table saw jig used to cut the staves from DrumShed.org They also have a good collection of links showing how to turn a drum without a lathe, and use a router and a jig instead.

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