Tuesday, December 29, 2009

HDR Photography

My boy Nauseous Youth Future (buy his album) was telling me about this photography method this weekend called High Dynamic Range Photography. You take multiple pictures with different exposure speeds and then put them all together (via a Merge to HDR type of function) to give you a high contrast between the darkest and brightest parts of the view. You can take your photo with a RAW file and manipulate that in a photoshop type program with a HDR plugin. Below will be some links:

-Da Wiki
-85 Examples of this technique
-Vanilla Days Tutorial- Seems like a good starting place, it even has the luminosity/white clip/appertunre values listed too/
-A good Photoshop HDR site-
-Stuck In Customs HDR site- this one may be the best one, very indepth, and it show how to make an HDR photo out of a single RAW file.

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