Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Photoshop Tutorial Links

Most of the time I screw with photoshop, I just fix photos I screwed up, cropping and contrast and such.  But after looking around at some of these sites, I now have ideas for photo manipulation that I didn't even think existed.

http://photoshoptutorials.ws/ - this site has tons and tons of various tutorials, ranging from beginner to hard.  This tutorial shows a cool long exposure imitation.
The Photoshop Lady-  pages of random tutorials that you didn't even think of to do
psd tuts- again, pages of random tutorials that you didn't even think of to do
PSLover- I like this one cause it has category lists-
The Andy Warhol PS rip off technique- I really like this one cause Andy Warhol had Ali, we have Tyson.
This Post I did has mad links to HDR photography and how a simpleton like me can get started in it.
and per "Who is Dis, Dis is Alex's" recommendation, a lens flair tutorial and one with a video.


alex said...

Have you tried lens flare yet? Shit is mad professional.

sqrt (Brian) said...

totally +4 dBv. Thanks!