Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pure Data Reverb Project/ Experiment- SSR

I am working on a project that will hopefully be a VST  "environment" plug in when it is all said and done that will take an input, add a very peculiar reverb/room with other sound variables, in order to make your sound mimic it's existence in a specific actual or fictional audio environment (think space stations, submarines, drowning with headphones on, inside a whale with a boombox, ect).  I want to be able to create custom GUI's, change numeric values of absorption coefficients at the lowest programing language possible (C, C++, or Java), but also have the majority of the "programing" done in an object oriented application.  After looking into a couple of options, I think I am going to try out Pure Data for the initial prototype.  It is a software made by Miller Puckette who did development for Max/MSP.  These links are here to serve as a ever changing reference and brainstorming landing page for this project- code named SSR.

-Extended PD tutorial-
-Digital Artist Handbook's "Diving into PD"-
-SoS Intro to Pure Data article-

Deep Shit
-C++ Objects How To in PD- Article 01 and Article 02
-Pure Data as a VST-
-impulse response (IR) convolution PD object from william brent- convolve~
-EEtimes Article "Building Good Audio Software"-
-Pure Data Hardware- hot damn!

General Info on DIY VSTs
-Super Collider- Programing Language and Environment- an open source project
-Synth Maker and Synth Edit-
-Sound on Sound Article about DIY VST creations- a good intro article.

Reverb Tangent
-SoS article "Advanced Reverberation"-
-Jeremy Wakefield's "Thoughts on Reverb"-
-Ursa Major Hardware Reverb-
-Eventide SST-282 Space Station Plug In-

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