Saturday, April 24, 2010

Recording Mix and the sqrt Console Mix Reprise

These are two mixes from a recording I did of some of my KS accomplices of musical experimentation, the Owl People.  They had a couple of computers and a couple of synths and a bass guitar and a regular guitar.  We recorded it on 4-17-10.  Their house has a good music room full of all kinds of instruments, drums, and noise making devices.  This was a fun little jam they did-

I ran the mix through the DDA Interface /EV console that I am sitting on right now as a summing mixer (used the EQ's a little too).  It is a pretty standard mix down, I added a little delay here and there, and the I put a nice reverb glue on it, and it sounded pretty good.

and then I put it through the sqrt mix matrix . . . .

I am not sure what this mix is all about.  Lots of delay, reverb, and distortion (aka the sqrt mix matrix).  I am not sure you could use "ambient mix" to describe it, might be more like "sqrt got too krunk and turned all the knobs all the way up" mix.  I did use that Moonshine Jar Fuzz, which doesn't have knobs, and it sounds pretty damn good as long as you saturate it on the input.  Kind of a fun way to spend a quiet Friday night.

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