Monday, April 26, 2010

Hammering your Own Cymbals and othe Modifications

They say painting a turd doesn't work, but beating the shit out of it with a hammer may be better.  I have a few random shitty cymbals (that aren't that shitty) that could you some help.  I was looking to cut/crack/drill them in odd ways to make odd tons, and then I ran across a couple of articles
giving tips and motivation to hammer them out your self.  Oddly enough, I ran accross this while looking for a different 13" hi hat for my K/Z Zildjian set I have.  The internet has made me scattered.

The DrummerWorld Forum that got it started-
A forum post from
A dude in Australia that will hammer your cymbals for you-
Instructables Earth-toning of cymbals- yeah, bury one for a 4 months

I have a 20" pearl that is inverted and riveted (aka already modded) and a 22" Pearl cymbal that is huge and nasty and dark (I kinda like it overall, but I know it has some flawed overtones) in addition to a huge pile of shitty cymbals that me and a few other people have stockpiled.  It may very well be on (and then I remember about all those posts I did on building my own drum shells).  I also have this crazy heavy 18" Zildjian Field Marching Crash that my dad got me a long time ago that sounds down right horrible (the sustain is long as hell and it is just nasty).  I now know what to do with it.

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