Monday, April 05, 2010

"In Pursuit of Silence": How noise really is killing us

This is an article I found on about noise and such as an interview/article with George Prochnik who wrote ""In Pursuit of Silence: Listening for Meaning in a World of Noise."  Below is a quote from the article, and it shows the reason I make distorted electronic music. 

"Noise wreaks havoc on all different parts of our bodies. The heart rate accelerates. We get vasoconstriction. It's been shown that the elevated blood pressure from nighttime noise continues all through the day. Even if we're not fully aroused by noise, sleep is fragmented. Loss of sleep is tied to all kinds of immune and heart problems, and a real laundry list of ailments. The really scary thing is even if we do habituate mentally to noise, that doesn't change what's happening to our bodies."

The article looks like John Cage wouldn't likeit, but the book title makes me think he would the non-fiction piece.  Any way, we all know that house music rots your soul, which is worse than death, so enjoy the ambient noises of the world around you.  People demand the technology that is making the noise, so people need to stop bitching about it.  If someone eats a whole chocolate pie, I don't want to hear them bitch about being husky either.

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