Wednesday, February 17, 2010

DDA / EV Interface Mixing Console

I currently have a DDA Interface on long term lend from a friend of a friend who knew I may be able to get up in it and mod it out at some point. It is a pretty sweet mixer, and it way to big for my apartment mix station, but I don't care.
DDA is a British company that marketed this mixer under the EV brand in the US. They are currently owned by/hype up the Klark-Teknik and Midas groups. I think the going rate on a used one of these right now is in the $1000 range.

I love using this board as a summing mixer for mix downs from DAW recordings. I like the EQ's (they are sculpting friendly, not overly precise), and the analog summing vs in the box algorithms is noticeable (at least on microphone based recordings). If it wasn't so damn big and heavy, I would take it as my front end for recording, but it is a two person job moving this bitch.

Service manual- this has the schematics, ba boom, recapping will happen on at least one of these channels before I die.

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