Wednesday, February 17, 2010

AKG D200 Microphone

I picked this AKG D200 up as a free be a long time ago, before I new what AKG was or did. It was another mic that got thrown around the WinDixie bag full of Optimus and Realistic mics.
I keep it around, and eventually realized that the AKG D200 was pretty decent SM-57 sounding mic. I lost the grill on it, so I bought a $2 foam windscreen to give it presentable appearance and it fit just right, and covered the entire capsule of the mic (which is battered from years of abuse). Sound quality wise, it gives me a bit of a fuller/darker (not the right word but . . ) sound than the 57's do. It could sub for a kick mic easily. Here is a link to a post on them.

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