Friday, January 08, 2010

Maple lookin 19" Home brew rack

When I played that show the before Christmas, I brought along a "back up" rig in case my computer crashed. It was a shit mixer with some effects loops, stomp boxes, and a micro tape player, and also had my main mix of the laptop going through so I could add it into the effects loops. I also had a feedback option built into it. It was fun layer to add on top of the main mix. I did get
time to fix one issue, and I made a hacked 3U rack for my effects processer, MOTU, and an additional 1U box (hopefully a mic pre soon) out of a 2x6. I cut the wood with a jig saw in my apartment, so needless to say it isn't the most precise box, but it is sturdy. I threw a handle on that bitch too (see above).

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