Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ambient Show at the Replay in Lawrence KS July 10, 2010

It seems the Owl People have split the ambient and rock and roll projects into two different groups. This recording was the "ambient" version (for now it is nameless) with a drummer who went ape shit on a kiddy kick drum, a conga, and the floor. It wasn't ambient by my definition, but it was weird, and that is what matters. There were 5 of us, the drummer (aka Kurt), a koto player (aka Yuri), and the usual three deviants making synth noises. It was a fun way to spend a Saturday night.

We also a played a show at the Mokan Festival on July 8th that didn't get recorded. It was a quartet that was the same group as above without the drummer. Best
part was that this was a jam band festival, and we kicked the whole thing off by playing a crazy ambient set for an hour. No one was really there accept the band that played after us, the sound guys (who WTF'ed me about 7 times), a lady in a wheel chair, corn fields and trackers. O yeah, and a mad loud PA, mad loud! We all had duck kuzoos, and I had a guy tell me I could play the hell out of a duck.  It was absolutely wonderful. Some pics are below that I took while we played.

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