Friday, January 08, 2010

Ambient Accordion Mix from New Years 2010 Owl People Jam

The Saturday after NYs, I took my trusty 828 and hit the Owl People's crib up and dropped some jamz on a hard disk. They had a friend of theirs come over and over dub some accordion. In my past I have been very critical of accordions, cause I ain't too fond of them. This young lady, however, play a cool drone that had a very lost and somber feel to it. I mixed a regular mix down for these cats, and then I did a 5 min or so sparce mix of the accordion as the main part with noisey pad pards fading in and out. Verb Heavy, ya feel me? I also used this big EV interface mixer I have in my house currently to mix it down (ran each track out of the audio interface into the mixer and ran the two track into another computer and hit record, kinda like they used to do with those funny tape machines, or so I hear). aka summing. I do recommend this, it seems to create space for every instrument naturally than what in side my old laptops do. I had a feedback loop recording too while they were running through thier takes (they couldn't hear) and I faded it up a time or two as well. I really had a good time mixing this track.


brephophagizzle said...

I've been listening to this on a loop for a while, and I'm liking it.

brephophagizzle said...

It makes my head tingle. (That's a good thing.)