Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sennheiser e602

I got this mic cause I needed another mic to capture low end sounds (I already have an AKG D112).  I did some research and figured this was the best bang for my buck (I still want about 18 421's . . . ) as I still needed (and got) a Radial ProDI Passive box (it is the hotness).  I like the e602.  It does the trick on kick and bass.  Placement really changes the tone on this mic, but the sweet spots are pretty wide and easy to find.  Below are some links-

-GearSlutz Board post with the e602 placement tests- This is the post that made me buy this mic.  The samples here will show you the capabilities of German Engineering.  This is a very detailed and in depth page.

-Sennheiser's Spec Sheet-  cause I like frequency response graphs

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