Thursday, July 08, 2010

Cassette Decks I Have and Cassette Links

-Teac A-303- I bought the TEAC cause it had needle meters.
It kinda works, and looks cool and is in wood.

Pioneer CT-W430- This was a gift for helping some people out

Kenwood KX 41B- This one is in need of a repair, but has a huge volume knob.

Cassette Wisdom and Links
-Use Everclear to clean yo tape heads- tip from the Good Doctor.
-This is a great Sound on Sound Article called  "Zen And The Art Of Cassette Deck Maintenance"
-Vintage Cassette dot com- a great vintage tape player archive
-TapeDeck.Org- "analog audio tape cassette nostalgia"
-Stereo 80's- BoomBoxes and Ghetto Blasters acrchive
-Audio Cassette Deck Demagnetizing & Maintenance Methodologies- Fix yo shit

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