Friday, November 20, 2009

My 1969 ludwig Supraphonic Snare Drum



after How to clean up your vintage snare drum the correct way, ie no steel wool.

A Supraphonic Snare Link-

the serial number is 716989, date is Aug. 24, 1969, it is an aluminum alloy, 1969 Ludwig Supraphonic Snare Drum

It is pretty dirty (and has some rusted pit marks in the chrome). I got some "never dull" to make it shine, and it worked well in my test area on the drum. I will update this post when I take it apart and clean it proper.

Update- I got around to taking lugz off and cleaning it good. It was pitted pretty heavy, but I did get a lot of the grime of the last 40 or so yeers off of it. Luckily, the pits won't change the sound.

Forum Post on Differences in Ludwig Snares

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